Bharat Swabhiman (Trust) & Its Membership
Corporate Member |
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11,00,000/- and above (Eleven Lac and above) |
Founder Member |
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5,00,000/- (Five Lac) |
Patron Member |
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2,50,000/- (Two Lac and Fifty Thousand) |
Life Member |
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1,00,000/- (One Lac) |
Special Member |
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11,00/- (Eleven Hundred) - For 2 Years |
Worker Member |
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51/- (Fifty One) - For 1 Year |
General Member |
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Facilities for Corporate, Founder, Patron & Life Members of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust) :
1. Corporate Member : Eight family members or eight delegates of a company of a Corporate Member will be provided free lodging & boarding facilities on priority basis in one residential Yog Science Camp in a calendar year. The Corporate Member will be invited on special occassions and important meetings including policy making meetings of institution from time to time.
2. Founder Member : The Founder Member?s family (husband, wife and two children), will be provided free lodging & boarding facilities on priority basis in one residential Yog Science Camp in a calendar year. The Founder Member will be invited on special occassions and important meetings including policy making meetings of institution from time to time, their opinion and guidance will be incorporated in policy making and hence institutional functioning. Two poor persons nominated by a Founder Member will get free admission on priority basis to a residential Yog Science Camp once a year.
3. Patron Member : The Patron Member along with spouse, will be provided free lodging & boarding facilities on priority basis in one residential Yog Science Camp in a calendar year. The Patron Member will be invited to participate in special programmes of institution and one poor person nominated by a Patron Member will get free admission on priority basis to a residential Yog Science Camp once a year.
4. Life Member : The Life Member, will be provided free lodging & boarding facilities on priority basis in one residential Yog Science Camp in a calendar year. He can be accompanied by another person who shall get admission by paying registration (Cooperation) amount on the spot on priority basis to a residential Yog Science Camp once a year.
Guest House : Residential facilities to all honourable members of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust) from Corporate to General, will be provided on priority basis & on availability for three days once in a year in the Guest House of Yogpeeth.
Non Residential Yog Science Camps : Eight free passes of special category for Corporate Member, Four free passes for Founder Member, three free passes for Patron Member and two free passes to a Life Member will be given free of cost, for taking part in a non residential Yog Science Camp.
Seating arrangements in Residential Yog Science Camp for Honourable Members of Bharat Swabhiman(Trust) : Seating arrangements will be made right in front of the stage for Corporate, Founder, Patron and Life Members and thereafter for other members respectively.
Yog Sandesh - Monthly Magazine Yog Sandesh, a research oriented monthly journal of Yoga, Spiritualism, Ayurveda, Culture and Tradition, published by Patanjali Yogpeeth in Hindi, English, Gujrati, Marathi, Punjabi, Bengali, Oriya, Assamese and Nepali will be sent to Corporate, Founder, Patron & Life members free of cost in the language of their choice.
Residential facilities in Yog Science camps :
1. Deluxe Air-conditioned residential facilities will be provided to Corporate & Founder Members during camp days.
2. Special Air-conditioned residential facilities will be provided to Patron Members during camp days.
3. Medium Air-conditioned residential facilities will be provided to Life Members during camp days.
Medical Facilities : Special arrangements for treatment will be made for Corporate, Founder, Patron and Life members.
Note :
1. All Corporate/ Founder/ Patron/ Life member, while leaving after a residential Yog Science Camp shall have to contribute a nominal amount of Rs. 1000/- towards the running expenses and for the maintenance of the institution. Members willing to contribute more will be welcome to do so.
2. All right of changing existing rules and regulations pertaining to facilities for members of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust) will be reserved with working committee of Patanjali Yogpeeth. The same will be ratified in the meeting of Corporate & Founder Members of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust).
Facilities for Special, Worker & General Members of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust)
5. Special Member :
• FREE residential training in Seven-Day Workshop organised, in Hardwar in the benign presence of H.H. Swami Ramdevji Maharaj for extensive training of Yog-Dharam (Yog-Discipline) & Rashtra-Dharam (Nationalism) or free non-residential training of Yog-Dharam (Yog-Discipline) & Rashtra-Dharam (Nationalism) by Patanjali Yog Samities at local level. Special Members will be given preference over Workers & General Members to attend these workshops.
• Arrangement of Free weekly Yog Classes will be made for all Members of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust) in their native places by trained Yog Teachers of Patanjali Yog Samities.
• Every year, each family associated with Bharat Swabhiman (Trust) will get one prize as Ashram Prasad under One Family- One Prize scheme.
• Opportunity to associate extensively with various projects of Patanjali Yogpeeth, an institution of global repute.
6. Worker & General Member :
• FREE residential training in Seven-Day Workshop organised, in Hardwar, in the benign presence of H.H. Swami Ramdevji Maharaj for extensive training of Yog-Dharam (Yog-Discipline) & Rashtra-Dharam (Nationalism) or free non-residential training of Yog-Dharam (Yog-Discipline) & Rashtra-Dharam (Nationalism) by Patanjali Yog Samities at local level. Workers Members will be preferred to General Members to attend workshops.
• Arrangement of Free weekly Yog Classes for all Members of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust) in their native places by trained Yog Teachers of Patanjali Yog Samiti.
• Opportunity to associate extensively with various projects of Patanjali Yogpeeth, an institution of global repute.
How to donate :
1.Person willing to be member of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust), can deposit his/ her Membership Form along with Cheque/ D.D. in favour of "Bharat Swabhiman (Trust)" drawn at any bank branch in Hardwar, in the office of Finance Department of Patanjali Yogpeeth, Hardwar in person or send the same by post.
2. Person willing to be member of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust), can also deposit requisite amount of donation in Account No. 27110100022841 I.F.S.C./ R.T.G.S. Code- BOBO BLYHAR of any local C.B.S. branch of Bank of Baroda or A/C No. 30721671954, I.F.S.C./ R.T.G.S. Code- SBIN0012228 of any local C.B.S. branch of State Bank of India and deposit/ send his/ her Membership Form along with Pay-In-Slip in the office of Finance Department of Patanjali Yogpeeth, Hardwar in person or send the same by post.
Willing persons can also use Internet Banking/ Mobile Banking to transfer requisite donation amount while using aforementioned Account No. & I.F.S.C./ R.T.G.S. Code.
3. Desirous person can also made ON-LINE donation on our website
4.Persons residing abroad can deposit the requisite amount through their nearest bank in Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust)'s F.C.R.A. A/c No. 30523427810 of State Bank of India, SWIFT CODESBININBB225 and enclose the Pay-In-Slip duly stamped by the bank & send it through courier or post at our address and also E-mail- the scan copy on our E-mail Id
Willing persons can also use Internet Banking/ Mobile Banking to transfer requisite donation amount while using aforementioned Account No. & SWIFT CODE.
Special Note :
The General Membership of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust) is given by local unit of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust), of your district. It is therefore requested to donate the amount meant for General Membership to local body of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust) & seek Receipt/ I.D. for the same. You are requested kindly not to send D.D./ Cheque/ M.O. or ONLINE payment for getting General Membership of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust) to Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar.
Form of Membership of Bharat Swabhiman(Trust)
Online Donation & Membership of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust) |