Bharat Swabhiman Trust
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Donation & Membership of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust) by D.D./Cheque
Online Donation & Membership of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust)
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Donation By D.D./ Cheque etc.

How to donate :

1.Person willing to be member of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust), can deposit his/ her Membership Form along with Cheque/ D.D. in favour of "Bharat Swabhiman (Trust)" drawn at any bank branch in Hardwar, in the office of Finance Department of Patanjali Yogpeeth, Hardwar in person or send the same by post.

2. Person willing to be member of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust), can also deposit requisite amount of donation in Account No. 27110100022841 I.F.S.C./ R.T.G.S. Code- BOBO BLYHAR of any local C.B.S. branch of Bank of Baroda or A/C No. 30721671954, I.F.S.C./ R.T.G.S. Code- SBIN0012228 of any local C.B.S. branch of State Bank of India and deposit/ send his/ her Membership Form along with Pay-In-Slip in the office of Finance Department of Patanjali Yogpeeth, Hardwar in person or send the same by post.

Willing persons can also use Internet Banking/ Mobile Banking to transfer requisite donation amount while using aforementioned Account No. & I.F.S.C./ R.T.G.S. Code.

3. Desirous person can also made ON-LINE donation on our website

4. Persons residing abroad can deposit the requisite amount through their nearest bank in Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust)'s F.C.R.A. A/c No. 30523427810 of State Bank of India, SWIFT CODESBININBB225 and enclose the Pay-In-Slip duly stamped by the bank & send it through courier or post at our address and also E-mail- the scan copy on our E-mail Id

Willing persons can also use Internet Banking/ Mobile Banking to transfer requisite donation amount while using aforementioned Account No. & SWIFT CODE.

Special Note

The General Membership of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust) is given by local unit of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust), of your district. It is therefore requested to donate the amount meant for General Membership to local body of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust) & seek Receipt/ I.D. for the same. You are requested kindly not to send D.D./ Cheque/ M.O. or ONLINE payment for getting General Membership of Bharat Swabhiman (Trust) to Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar.

Form of Membership of Bharat Swabhiman(Trust)

Bharat Swabhiman Trust

Copyright © 2025 Bharat Swabhiman Trust